A Jackie Chan's classic. For some good entertainment, it's just perfect : you got the good and flowing fights, some nice jokes and weird situations, loads of stupid clicheys, and a reasonable amount of fan service, if needed. You may watch it again without getting bored.
拍得太好了最喜欢的一幕是Aster和Ellie两个人躺在温泉中深绿色树林里氤氲水气之中水面倒影着两个人的脸她说这是best partEllie在教堂说的那段让我十分感动与基督教定义的爱相反爱是messy,horrible,selfish,bold. Love is being willing to ruin your good painting for the chance at a great one. Is it the boldest stroke that you can make? 好的电影让人反省生活敢不敢在自己的画上加上大胆的几笔呢